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OLD Rhino Pro Parts (Prior to 2019)

  • Rhino

    Rhino Lock and Key Replacement


    TOP LOCK AND KEY REPLACEMENT SET FOR RHINO CLASSIC OR PROThis lock and key set is replaceable on Rhino Classic or Pro models. You can find all of our Rhino Vending Machines here. 

  • Vending Supplies

    Center Rod Replacement


    Center Rod ReplacementThe center rods come in different sizes whether it has a cash drawer or not and whether it is a classic or pro model.  You will have to select which machine you are buying it for in the options. We only ship within the US...

  • Vending Supplies

    Hopper Replacement


    Hopper ReplacementThis hopper can be used for both the Classic or Pro Rhino vending machines. However, they are not interchangeable. You will have to select which machine you are buying it for in the options. Contact us for special shipping rates...

  • Vending Supplies

    Standard Base Replacement for Rhino Classic or Pro


    Standard Classic Base & Rod Replacement for Rhino Pro or ClassicThis base can be used for both the Classic or Pro Rhino vending machines. You can find all of our Rhino Vending Machines here. 

  • Vending Supplies

    Chute Guard Replacement


    Chute Guard ReplacementThis chute guard can be used for both the Classic or Pro Rhino vending machines. Contact us for special shipping rates for HI, AK, International, and wholesale pallet orders. You can find all of our Rhino Vending...

  • Rhino

    Rhino Adjustable Candy Wheel for Rhino Classic


    Adjustable Candy WheelThe candy wheel can vend small candy, nuts, or animal feed. You can adjust the wheel with how wide the opening is to adjust how much gets vended at the one time.  This set comes with: Brush Plate The candy wheel Contact us...

  • Vending Supplies

    Lock and Key Set


    Lock and Key Set - Select from the drop down menu

OLD Rhino Pro Parts (Prior to 2019)

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